St. Marys County Neighborhoods
Here you will find information and pictures about St Marys County neighborhoods! If the subdivision or neighborhood that you are looking for is not listed here, please request more info by email and I will be more than happy to help you!
WILDEWOOD - Wildewood is located in California MD with beautiful tree-lined streets. Wildewood offers the ideal atmosphere for families. Here, you’ll find a great mix of homes. In the old section, you will see single-family homes surrounded by trees, biking and walking trails and a community pool, park, trails, club house and now a school. In the subdivision you will also find 1 and 2 bedrooms affordable condos and townhouses. If you are interested on buying a house or a condo in Wildewood, please contact me for a full listing of houses. If you are thinking about a new construction in Wildewood, I also can help you go through the process.